Friday, April 13, 2012

Review on Coway water filter

Posted by mamaAsyfa at 4/13/2012 11:04:00 PM
Since Asyfa dh start makan solid foods, it is a must for her to drink more water to prevent constipation. So baba & mama decided to install a water filter in our home. Semata2 taknak tgk asyfa minum air kotor..haha.Bertuah btol anak haji labu nih. After men-survey2, we got most positive feedback on Coway brand, so we agree to invest on this brand. Antara sebab-sebab we choose Coway :-

  1. Ade hot & cold water. Takyah susah2 boil water/buat ais cube bile guest mai umah. (This function not so important yet for Asyfa since she's still fully breastfeeding,no need to bancuh2 susu)
  2. Boleh bayar sewa bulan2. Mahal kot nak byr terus rm3k+.
  3. Kelebihan bayar sewa bulan2 ni, org coway akan datang every 2 months to service our water filter. And its for Free!!
  4. Its an RO water. with 6-step filtration. Nyah kau kuman2 sekalian..haha. InsyaAllah, dijamin sihat & bersih.
  5. Their filter is certified Halal from JAKIM
Initially, kitorang pilih yang kecik comey tu, model Petit. button die gune censor , tekan sekali je. Once air dh penuh, die stop sendiri. Ofkoz mama sukeeee sgt. Hehe.

Tapi apakan daya, bile technician coway datang rumah, check our water pressure sangatlah rendah...5 psi sahaje...while minimum pressure required is 25 psi.

So terpakse tukar to the bigger one since this model ade own pump built-in. Function sume sama. Tapi yang beso nih tangki die 11 Liter !! Kitorg 3 beranak guna setengah bulan pun tak habis.

Nama saya Sally =)
RM 130 sebulan.

So far dah guna for about 1 week, puas hati la. Air pun rasa lebih sedap =) Tapi Asyfa still susah nak minum air kosong. She's just too used to mama's milk. Kene pujuk die bit by bit. Hopefully lama-lama die pun suke minum air kosong macam mama & baba. ( Really, we both drink plain water a lot . (And not to forget Aik Cheong's cofee tarik..ngehehe ) We only bancuh cordial when there's guest at home, and soft drinks like Coca cola tu sume lagilaaaa, never cross our mind!

p/s : Not sure about the water & eletric consumption though...will review about it after this month bill arrives =)


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